2020 Impact Report

2020 Impact Report

January 22, 2021

2020 was the year of the “new normal” for Quartet. A new normal of working remotely – at home and in places that were “home for now.” Quartetians became homeschoolers, caretakers, and redefined what work-life balance meant when many of our offices were in our homes. Summer ushered a new era of civil rights with the Black Lives Matter movement and we all had to confront our role in perpetuating and ending white supremacy.  

Healthcare providers across the country are facing the herculean task of treating coronavirus patients that flooded their hospitals. Sadly, many people have also lost loved ones, dealt with unemployment and economic loss, and feel the effects of long-term social isolation. Mental health providers are helping people to navigate this while feeling overwhelmed themselves. It was a challenging year, physically and mentally, for everyone. As a result, Americans’ mental health is the worst it’s been in two decades

Quartet is a platform that makes it easier for people to get the best mental health care for them. The work we do across the country is critical, now more than ever. In 2020, nearly 70,000 people connected with Quartet to get the best mental health care for them, up 46% from the year before. More than 4,000 primary care providers signed up for our platform to better connect their patients with the right care at the right time. We expanded the variety of care options available through Quartet, including digital care options. We also helped over 3,500 providers quickly transition to offering telehealth services, ensuring patients get the care they need even while physically distancing.  

Our team worked quickly to meet the needs of patients and providers who were now living and working under quarantine and new telehealth regulations. We educated providers on the new telehealth regulations and how to best adapt them to their existing practices. We knew that we had to support the providers on our platform, as well, so that they could continue to offer patients great care. When COVID cases skyrocketed so did mental health needs and the demands on health care providers. So we launched the Care for Caregivers initiative to make sure that the providers in our network could take care of themselves, too.

Last year Quartet announced  that we’re working to define and measure and define the quality of mental health care that patients receive.  We know that improved patient health outcomes and lower cost of care must include a robust mental health strategy that measures and rewards for quality of care.  Quartet began this work with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina in 2020, and is looking forward to expanding our value-based care footprint in 2021 and beyond. 

With the COVID vaccine being distributed throughout the United States, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But the scars from 2020 won’t heal overnight. For many people, there will be lingering effects as a result of the coronavirus. Quartet will be there to not only help people get the best mental health care for them but also continue to champion making access to care as easy as possible.

Here’s what Quartet accomplished in 2020:

  • Through our expanded partnership with Centene Corporation, the largest provider of Medicaid in the United States, Quartet is expanding its services nationwide to help members in 32 states get the critical mental health care they need. 



  •  We helped over 3,500 mental health providers transition to telehealth by creating a landing page with information and updates on policies and regulations, reimbursement, and providing services via HIPAA compliant platforms.  


  • Our patients can now experience the entire Quartet digital platform in both English and Spanish, with more languages coming soon.


  • We increased the number of practices using electronic medical record (EMR) integrations by 14%, making it easier for providers to use the Quartet platform by integrating directly into their workflows.


  • Quartet launched the Care for Caregivers initiative in partnership with SilverCloud and wayForward to support our network of mental health and primary care providers and staff throughout the pandemic. 594 providers have access to free computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (CcBT) programs with self-guided content on stress, sleep, anxiety, and more.


  • We’ve launched Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, Accessibility and Allyship initiatives focused on our employees, patients, and our provider network, beginning with a listening tour, the formation of company-wide working groups, and searches for a variety of experts in this area. 


  • Quartet made a donation to the Boris L. Henson Foundation,  an organization that provides scholarships to Black students who seek a career in the mental health field, offers mental health services and programs to young people in urban schools, and combats recidivism within the prison system. 


  • This year we added a Clinical Director role to our HR Team. Having someone with the clinical expertise to help innovate and refine how we support the mental health and overall well-being of our employees is a game-changer as a company.


We’re honored and humbled to be recognized for our work and the incredible team that makes our work possible. Last year:







We are so proud of the work we did in 2020 to make it easier for people to get the mental health care they need easily and safely in a time of great uncertainty. We are committed to supporting patients and providers alike and look forward to continuing this work in 2021. 


— The team at Quartet



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